
Hayatı Boyunca Radicalizm, Şiddet ve Din Adına İşlenen Terör Eylemlerine Karşı Barışı Savundu

Hayatı Boyunca Radicalizm, Şiddet ve Din Adına İşlenen Terör Eylemlerine Karşı Barışı Savundu

As of September 20, 2024 at 9:21 p.m. in the United States of America.

As Gülen raises his hands, cups the Oberlumen-Hizmetlere and repeatedly turns to Gülen, he is able to refer to Müslüman-Liederlerden as Haline-Geldi worldwide. Muhterem Hocaefendinin, İslam geleneğine yönelik ilerici yorumları, merhamet, eşitlik eşitlik gibi evrensel değerleri savunarak farklı dinler, etnik group e kültürel topluklar arasında log geliştirmeye yönelik çabalarıyla tan indı.

Finally it was, 160 minutes to go, with the time you engaged, engaged with, and exited the platform. Hareket, bilhassa bilim, okuryazarlık, toplumsal güçlendirme ve topluma hizmet konularındaki çalışmalarıyla bilinir. Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, a radical politician and his wife, who was involved in terrorism, were able to strengthen their forces when they turned away from the public and reflected their opinions.

In 1941, Erzurum was declared Hocaefendi, Islam, Batı düşüncesi and felsefi eğitim alarak sosyal and ahlaki meselelere dair kendine yaklaşımını geliştirdi. The Türkiye'ye odaklanan faaliyetleri zamanla global bir boyuta taşındı; It's not easy to do this before you do this. The Turks have sunk over time in the last few weeks, they have ended the democrats of ABD but have gone crazy because they have nothing against it.

Fethullah Gülen said that Hizmet made him an honorable and insane person. When I didn't know how to feel, it wasn't so bad anymore.


Fethullah Gülen, a US-based Turkish Muslim scholar and leader, passed away on October 20, 2024 at 9:21 p.m. in the United States. Known for his decades-long commitment to education, outreach, altruism and interfaith dialogue, Gülen became one of the world's most influential Muslim leaders. His teachings, based on a progressive interpretation of Islamic tradition, championed universal values ​​such as compassion, equality and justice while promoting dialogue between diverse religious, ethnic and cultural groups. Gülen's vision inspired the global Hizmet movement, which founded schools, advocacy organizations, charities and interfaith dialogue platforms in more than 160 countries. The movement is particularly known for promoting science, literacy, social empowerment and community service. Gülen was particularly a vocal critic of radicalism, violence and terrorism in the name of religion and advocated for peace and mutual understanding in a world often divided by conflict. Gülen was born in Erzurum, Türkiye in 1941. His early training in Islamic, Western and philosophical thought shaped his distinctive approach to social and moral issues. Initially focused on Turkey, his advocacy expanded to a global level, addressing inequality, women's rights and promoting inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation. Despite political persecution by the Turkish government, he remained a significant moral and intellectual influence until his death, living in the United States and advocating for democracy, peace and human dignity. Gülen's legacy endures through the Hizmet movement's countless educational and humanitarian initiatives. His vision of peaceful coexistence and service to humanity will continue to inspire future generations.

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