
EEUU opened the clocks on November 3rd: instructions for setting the hour change

EEUU opened the clocks on November 3rd: instructions for setting the hour change

In the United States and Canada, the hour change is one hour before his death in the Dominican Republic. - (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)
In the United States and Canada, the hour change is one hour before his death in the Dominican Republic. – (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)

This is the end of the week, great part of it States United States and Canada After opening the hour, we swapped clocks to the Dominican Republic for an hour. Segun The Washington Postthe official changeover occurred at 2 a.m., when clocks were reset at 1 a.m. to allow for an additional hour of waiting, and also to extend night workers' rotations. I just fulfilled the dream and hesitated for an hour when I stopped at the beginning for a time that lasted about a few weeks.

The concept of changing the clocks to ensure the light of day is better than a satirical idea Benjamin Franklin It was officially adopted in Seal XVIII in 1916 Germanyfollowed by the United States in 1918. The current system in EE.UU. se estableció con el Uniform time law In 1966, implementation reached national level but did not allow states to participate. Arizona and Hawaii optaron por no realizar este ajuste. In Arizona, LA Navajo Nation Since the hour change, the restoration of the state has been within the hour horizon since 1968.

Debates have continued throughout the United States over time. Algunas propuestas han sugerido trasladar ciudades del noreste, como Boston and Providencein the Atlantic Horaria zone, to avoid a delay before 4:30 p.m. during the Invierno; However, this initiative did not succeed in Congress.

Las búsquedas en Google de Estados Unidos de los términos “How to Prepare Children for Daylight Saving Time” has seen a 570% increase in the last week; The status of the “Sunshine Protection Act” is a 370% list and “What happened to the Sunshine Protection Act” is a common answer in mind. During the same period, the question “Why do we have Daylight Saving Time?” increased by 160%.

In Alaska, switching to the Manecillas is no longer the norm. During the next few months the sun will not yet be on the horizon. Life has no time limit in the Arctic Circle 162
In Alaska, switching to the Manecillas is no longer the norm. During the next few months the sun will not yet be on the horizon. Life has no time limit in the Arctic Circle 162

Here are our recommendations to achieve the transition to a simpler form:

  • Set your clocks manually For devices such as microrounds, traffic jams and other vehicles, it is not the case that they arrive automatically in the hour.
  • Aprovecha la hour extra de sueño However, to “light up” the clocks, the nighttime workers must turn around for an hour.
  • Prepare to spend more time and start. The next two weeks are the final months of the year, so it may be useful to adjust your routine to maximize the day's lighting.
  • Consider the impact of this change on electronic devices and diariesYou must manually set all devices if they are not synchronized to perform the automatic hour change.
  • Recuerda reads excepciones In regions of the United States that have not arrived in the winter months, such as: Arizona, Hawaii In different island areas it can be useful if you have contacts or activities in certain regions.
  • Find out about ownership and future changes: Various initiatives have been presented to Congress to eliminate these hourly adjustments. At night, there is also interest in going to the Atlantic Horaria zone to avoid temperature fluctuations in the Invierno.
  • Ten in geographical context: En lugares como Utqiagvik, AlaskaThe change in hours is limited to a limited effect as the sun is not operational for 62 days.

For the Padres, the transition to the new lesson could be a desafío, especially to help the children adapt. TODAY Recommended strategies:

  • Adjust the siesta gradually: Comienza a Mover Las Siestas a few minutes, hacia adelante or hacia atrás cada día, so that the change is not abrupt to the sea.
  • Make sure children are active throughout the day: Physical activity begins with children waiting for it in the moment.
  • Check the surroundings of the living space: Keep the sleeping area in the dark and outdoors at an ideal temperature of 20°C (68°F) to promote scanning.
  • Evita clocks and screens before sleep: Turn off your watches and limit your use of electronic devices before eliminating distractions.
  • Establece Expectativas Bajas: Prepare for a desperate week and adjust your expectations because the change of hours can be regularly interrupted in childhood.
  • Be prepared to lower the temperature: The children must despair of the habit because they are flexible and patient while taking the first steps.
  • Contains games and financial activities: During the day we organize activities that consume energy so that the children can do their repairs by the next day.
  • Provide calm and consistency: It is expected that the adjustment may take several days; The calm and the persistence ensure that everyone brings this transition period into a calmer form.

These steps can add to the transition period and allow the Padres and the kids to adjust gradually and have little rest.

There are some people who can commit to helping the children through the change of hours. (Artemio Guerra Baz /Cuartoscuro)
There are some people who can commit to helping the children through the change of hours. (Artemio Guerra Baz /Cuartoscuro)

Segun The Washington Postla idea del Horario de Verano se remonta a 1784, cuando Benjamin Franklin I perceived the idea as a satirical map that calculated the future as Parisians stopped their hours in the invierno. The horario de verano en EE. UU. I was not brought to the national level in 1966 when the Ley de Hora Uniforme was announced. Before this point, the cities, apartments and towns decided to operate autonomously, confusion arose, especially in relation to the transport sector. They are set annually for the implementation of the annual horizon, and el Department of Transport We are designed to supervise your workload and allow you to monitor the duration of uniform working hours throughout your territory.

Nowadays the whole country has set its first clocks in November, there have been some exceptions like this Arizona, Hawaii, Samoan Americana, Guam, Islas Marianas del Norte, Puerto Rico Yes read Islas Virgenes. Cabe señalar que en Arizona, la Navajo Nation sí adopta the horario de verano, mientras the resto of the stado permanent and horario estándar fromde 1968.

While I think about what hourly adjustments there are, various propuestas en el congress You need to eliminate this exercise without exit. En el noreste Across the country, we recommend a few cities like them providence (Rhode Island), Hartford (Connecticut) j Boston (Massachusetts) It is planned to work in a zone of restoration on the Costa Este, possibly during the Atlantic Coast. A suggestion for 2016 New Inglaterra compartiera huso horario con New Escocia (Canada) We cannot start the trip at 4:30 p.m. because the next weekend trips take place in Boston in the first week of December at 4:11 p.m. and we leave before 7:00 a.m

Mientras tanto, en Utqiagvikthe city is more than seventy years old Alaskathe sun stood still for 62 days and the clock was no longer set correctly.

Discussion about abolishing the hour changes would take place without legislative approval. - (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)
Discussion about abolishing the hour changes would take place without legislative approval. – (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)

The Senator from Florida, Marco Rubioha impulsado el Sunshine Protection ActA time in which we must permanently establish the timetable of the year in order to eliminate the alternations of the two-hour lessons in the country. Aunque el Senado aprobó this propuesta 2021, se stood in the Cámara de Representatives And I haven't done that yet, so Fox weather.

In 2023, Rubio reintroduced the project in the Senate while he was the representative Vern Buchananalso Florida, presents a version on camera. However, since the projects are divided into their respective committees, the implementation is always determined in advance.

Currently, only Arizona and Hawaii are moving beyond the winter horizon, and with no action for 2024, the city brought its clocks back on November 3 and maintained the two-year changeover system.

The future of legislation will only happen recently. As Rubio continued the barricades in Congress, they felt like considerable desperation. Therefore, the practice of setting the clocks to work in a large part of the country continues to be used as a topic of discussion in modern society.

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