
The Catalan geologists called for “desaforado urbanismo” before the flood

The Catalan geologists called for “desaforado urbanismo” before the flood

Estragos ocassionados por la DANA, este fournes en Paiporta, Valencia

Estragos ocassionados por la DANA, este fournes en Paiporta, Valencia – Rober Solsona – Europa Press

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“Palabras as decree and deconstruction han de dejar de ser una utopía”


The Col·legi de Geòlegs i Geòlogues de Catalunya (Colgeocat) has pointed out that the caudales fluviales in the great Lluvias and Inundaciones “were incremented by a destroyed urbanism that did not have suitable space for the lamination of the avenidas, and so on.” Infiltration and intensive engagement with the Fluviales spaces.

A statement confirmed that “the project as a decree and deconstruction must leave a utopia to transform it in the future” and we call for a careful studio and analysis on a case-by-case basis.


In June 2011, the Cita de la Generalitat de Catalunya looked at a ritual of 1.5 years in the city every 3 hours and is of the opinion that this is not the case.

In addition, in the provincial government, only 15% of the consolidated municipality was located in an unaffordable zone where 705,000 people lived, noting that there is “a geological flood from a completely clear point of view.”

The Col·legi announced that many Catalan communities in the Riesgo areas (Vallès city and coastal areas) “the corresponding civil protection plan for the Riesland against floods has no longer been edited”.

With regard to the mitigation and prevention of the ice, it is important that the Civil Protection Authority cooperates due to the meteorological monitoring with “possibilities and rapid decisions of the governors” and with coordination between authorities, civil defense, meteorological services, emergency equipment and agents of the Authority, Agència Catalana de l'Aigua and the Centro de Gestión del Riesgo.

In addition, the city is a “best geological education”, ensuring that the subsequent educational aircraft of the youth understand more and more geology.


The College Foundation, which inhabited the Levant Peninsula, was able to sail through night and floods, to the very end of the coast, citing as examples more than 75 floods in the city of Valencia since the end of the 19th century in Year 1321 and more than 400 de la Comunitat Valenciana en el mismo period.

However, in recent years, climate change has “aggravated” the frequency and magnitude of these phenomena: a few decades ago large amounts of precipitation of 250 l/m2/day were considered, and after that magnitudes of 400-500 l/d were reached. m2/day, with high points.

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