
The number of doctors in Brazil increases to 89%; amenda aumento – 15/10/2024 – Equilíbrio e Saúde

The number of doctors in Brazil increases to 89%; amenda aumento – 15/10/2024 – Equilíbrio e Saúde

The number of doctors in Brazil between 2010 and 2024 was 304,406 for 575,930 professionals, an increase of 89% according to the national media, followed by the CFM (Conselho Federal de Medicina).

For Estevam Rivello Alves, 2nd Secretariat of the CFM (Conselho Federal de Medicina), on the expansion of medical education and a number of those responsible who responded more and more.

There are currently around 35 million new doctors who were trained a few years ago. “The doctor has no additional qualifications for the assistant,” he confirmed. “A large majority of medical schools have not met the Ministry of Education’s minimum criteria,” diz. For this reason, the fate of many faculty is not based on the school of the hospital.

All as Unidades da Federação (UFs) have continued to advance in medical demographics, yet the intent between states continues. More than 13 stadiums that have reached the number of doctors are some stadiums in the North and Northeast, which are presented by many residents of national media for doctors.

The medical care population in Brazil is 3.07 million inhabitants, the most in countries such as the United States (2.7), Japan and South Korea (2.6). In all stadiums such as Distrito Federal (6.3), Rio de Janeiro (4.3), São Paulo (3.7), Espírito Santo (3.6), Minas Gerais (3.5) and Rio Grande do Sul ( 3,4), this media is ainda maior, ultrapassando or Reino Unido (3,2). In addition, the Amazonas (1.6), Amapá (1.5), Pará (1.4) and Maranhão (1.3) stadiums were less than two doctors at the national level.

The greatest contrast in the entire Distrito Federal consisted of 2.8 million inhabitants and 18,045 doctors (media of 6.3), and Maranhão, with 6.77 million inhabitants and 8,547 registered doctors (media of 1, 3).

In relation to the Brazilian regions, a medical distribution mainly in the southeast, 51% concentrate on professionals from the country. The region has a population of 41% in Brazil and is the largest medical facility with 3.76.

In the second region with more Brazilian doctors and in Central East (3.39), with 8% of professionals from all over the country, followed by Sullivan (3.27), with 16% of Brazilian doctors.

A large discrepancy exists from the Northeast, in the region where 27% of the Brazilian population lives, with a lower number of doctors of 2.22 million inhabitants and 19% of professionals.

In the north, in the far region, the ratio of national doctors was 4.8%, and the number of state doctors was lower, 1.73%.

In 2013, the federal governor created the Corn Doctors program for the training of Brazilian professionals and foreigners for the more remote regions of Brazil, doctors and interior designers. According to the Ministry of Health, as of June 2024, the program has surveyed 24,894 physicians for localities with lower medical demographics.

For the chairman of CFM, José Hiran Gallo, he announced that it is necessary to address the public policy in charge of the distribution of doctors. Secondly, I created the very conditions of work, work and work for working people in remote regions.

Due to the discrepancy between home and population stages, there is also a greater presence of high-density physicians in Brazil, especially in major cities and regions. The number of inhabitants was 23% of the Brazilian population, the number of doctors was 52%. They recently made up the majority of the population among interior designers (77%) and 48% among professionals.

In the Brazilian capital Palmas (TO), the number of doctors was 46%, while health insurance was 54%. Vitória, in Espírito Santo, is a capital with the highest medical density in Brazil, 18.7; However, there is no indoor facility with 2.25 doctors and one million residents.

Roraima is a state with a high concentration of doctors in the capital, with 97% of the professionals working, while the remaining amount is a maximum of 3%.

In addition to many doctors in Brazil, the presence of professionals in the SUS (Unique de Saúde) was also supported. We have not recently addressed the medical population of our public and private systems in the country.

According to Alves, the two trained doctors were absorbed by SUS. “A great possibility is that I can take a medicine and be immediately available in hospitals, hospitals, in the immediate vicinity of Samu and the family Medicin, especially before entering our homeland.”

Ultimately available since 2015, when it was very easy to find a doctor who was not private and did not have SUS. Over time, 21.6% were seen by physicians who were not publicly available and 26.9% were exclusively and not privately available. A majority of the doctors, we treated two other doctors at the same time.

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